April 2008

Here is a pic of the audience that I took during my set at Music Mill. They very sweetly endured my first ever performance with backing tracks (which reside in the little magical red wooden box on the right of this photo).

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I’m learning of the unanticipated pleasures of touring by myself…having The Last Town Chorus’ dressing room all to myself. From the room next door, I’m hearing Colin, Kathleen’s guitarist, as he teaches Damon some Beatles songs on his 12-string Rickenbacker.

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Welcome to Indianapolis, Indiana. This tour bus will be home for the next few weeks while I’m on tour with Kathleen Edwards and gang. I’m sleepy, but soundcheck felt great…I’m playing this tour by myself and the backing tracks I produced felt far more natural and real than I could’ve hoped for…we’ll see how it goes during the actual performance.

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Busy last morning in Brooklyn before I leave for a three-week tour.

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a) No
b) Doubtful
c) Probably
d) Yes
e) Helllll Yeeeah

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It’s after midnight on Saturday, and someone is projecting a movie out an apartment window. Then it rained, hard.

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The composer Berlioz hated sitting for this portrait, because the painter, Gustave Courbet, kept singing Berlioz his song ideas.

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Ridiculously green morning, room temperature breezes. I went on an early
morning walk/Stevie Wonder bender before heading indoors for the day to

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Whilst grilling out steaks, I finally listened to Kathleen Edwards’ new album “Asking for Flowers” properly, and find it captivating. I won’t mind a bit hearing her and the band play nightly — I leave to join the tour a week from today. It starts in Indianapolis and ends in Portland, Oregon. I’m in the middle of producing my backing tracks – feels rather right.

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